Building Your Brand SERP
What Is A Brand SERP?
A Brand SERP is a newer term in Search Engine Optimization, and it is the way a brand or company shows up on the Google when their name is searched. This is something you have control over and you can display how individuals see you.
Your Brand SERP is actually the first impression of your business and not your website (although still very important). When someone Googles your name, you want to have a clean and clear representation of your business and messaging.
Here is a quick example, you have just started a new job and you have an afternoon meeting with your boss in your office. In scenario 1, your desk is a disaster with papers, pens, and folders everywhere. What kind of impression do you think this leaves? Not a great one!
In scenario 2, your desk is in immaculate shape, nothing is out of place, and you can easily organize and move items around without being confused. This paints a much nicer picture.

Why Is A Brand SERP Important?
Having a great Brand SERP is important because it allows you to convey your brand and brand messaging the exact way you want it.
When you have other companies or websites on your own Brand SERP, they can send a different message to your audience.
By having the ability to control your own Brand SERP, you are able to move pages about your brand up and down the search results page. This is huge!
There are many different entities on the internet which have a strong effect on your Brand SERP, and these can be used to your advantage.